Saturday, August 23, 2008

Welcome To My Blog!!

Thank You For Stopping By, Nice to Meet You!!

I Collect Reborns: This Lady @ eBay Is The Best Out There....

She Made My Baby Trey & I Love Him To Pieces...& I Highly Recommend Her....Kind Of Pricey, But The Work She Creates Is Worth The Price...........Truly Life Like!!

She Reborned The Baby That Is Posted On
Top Of This Blog!!
Feel Free To Chat On Whatever Topic You Wish
Except For Politics & Religion..Thank You!!


HarveyD said...

Hi Magic,,,neat blog,,,how in the heck do you make that first page ?,,,I have no clue.

This should be fun

BabyDollWorld said...

Hi Harvey!! Well What I am Thinking Is It Took Me Right Through The Steps & I Have a Gmail Account...So Maybe That is It?? Try This: Click On Profiles, Classic Templates, Layouts, Add Ons, & Whatever Else You Wish & You Should End Up With A Front Page!! Thank You For The Comments !! I Worked on It Last Night Until Late!! I Hope It Works For You!!

BabyDollWorld said...

Just To Update You I Have Changed My Profile Name From Disney to MAGIC!!


BabyDollWorld said...

Today We Just Bought Our 2 Children Bunk Beds!! I am So Excited To See How Much They Love Them!!

Harvey Have You Had a Chance To Play With Your Blog & Customise It Yet??

HUgs, Susan

HarveyD said...

Good Morning,,

I appreciate that link,,,I opened it and was reading through it,,have not taken time to sit down and play with it,,,looks like it could be fun to do.

I like the change to "Magic" as to me that is your knickname :-)

So, how did the kids like the bunk beds ? Tell me again, how old are they ?

Did you ever send me your address in email ?...I have some Winne the Poo birthday cards I thought I would send you,,I have a bunch of them and thought you might be able to use some of them...If nothing else,,,the kids can play with them. NO cost TO YOU !!!

I am sitting here with my coffee making notes of things I should do today, not that I ever do it all :-)

I have some apples to peel yet,,,peeled a quart for the freezer last night. I think I am going to take the rest,,clean, dice and put in crockpot with some chops..want to try it to see how they turn out. Apples just a bit green yet, but they should be ok for cooking..

I know I often get a bit long winded in the mornings :-) :-) :-)

BabyDollWorld said...

Good Morning Harvey!! I Certainly Had Fun Creating My Blog Page!!

I Changed My User ID To Magic Because Of You...Something About it...Just Makes Me Smile...Thank You!! :)

My Son Cibryon is 8 Years Old and My Daughter Alestiny is 4 Years Old. Wow How Did They Get That Old So Fast?!?!

I Did Send My Snail Mail Address... But Maybe It Did Not Come Through...I Will Resend It.
That is Truly Sweet That You Want to Send Some Pooh Cards....We All Love Pooh Here!!...Thank You!!

We Are Redoing Tons To Our Home...The List Keeps Getting Longer and Longer and How To Do It Gets Tougher....I Think It Will Take Us All Winter to Complete Since We Homeschool and My Husband Works...One Day It Shall Be Finished...I Hope!!

Me Thinks You The Only One Going to Post Here!! hahahaha


BabyDollWorld said...

I Forgot To Tell You...My Children Love The Bunk Beds!! The Only Problem We Have Is Which One Should Sleep On Top?? hahaha

HarveyD said...

I got the snail mail address,,,now I just gotta get the cards in the mail :-)

I reckon you may have to invite more folks...How about Sketer or Belled ?

BabyDollWorld said...

Good Ones Harvey I Had Not Yet Received Sketers Email Addy & She Has Not Been On The IM Yet Since I Started This....Now I Have Her Email So I Will Be Asking Her!!

HarveyD said...

Sounds good to me,,,I just now got her email address...she sent it to me.

BabyDollWorld said...

Hey If No One Else Decides To Join....The Three Of Us Can Chat Here!! hahaha

HarveyD said...

I am sure we could find plenty to talk about :-)

BabyDollWorld said...

I Know I am A Chatter Box....I Think It Comes From Not Being Able To Chat To Much...I Grew Up With 2 Siblings That Were Never Quiet...Now I Have 2 Rattler Children That Just Go On & On...Cannot Wait For Them To Talk Whe They Are Toddlers...Then You Want Them To Be Silent.... hahaha... No I Rather Get a Kick Out Of Listening To Them....But I Also Do Not Get To Chat Much!! hahaha

BabyDollWorld said...

Harvey I Have Found Away For Sketer To Join Us I Think. She Will Have To Post a Comment As "Anonymous" But That Is The Only Thing I Have Found...Her AIM Stopped Working Otherwise She Could Have Used That ID....I Hope That Works... I Sent Her An Email Telling Her & Asked Her To Let Me Know!!


HarveyD said...

I hope Sketer joins us....:-)

HarveyD said...

Have you heard from Sketer ?

I sent Belled and invite to mine,,,not Sketer,,,wanted to wait until she replied to you.

Have you seen Caties post on the "Candor" thread,,,whats up with her ??

BabyDollWorld said...

Good Morning Harvey!!

I Heard From Sketer Last Night At US For a Bit Then She Went To Watch The Convention.

I Think I Will Invite Belled To My Blog Too. I Just Hope Sketer & Her Can At Least Chat As "Anonymous".

I Sent A Reply To Your Email About Catie...Let Me Know What You Are Going To Do???

Take Care

Love & Hugs,

HarveyD said...

Its easy to sign up for Google and it comes in handy. I hope those ladies either belong or will join and then we can visit here.

I thought everyone could read these blogs. Don't know.

As for Catie, I don't want to cause her any further problems. Just want to get past this peacefully,,,if I have to leave US to do that,,,so be it. I am happy in life and enjoy each day I have now...Don't need the hassle of having to worry all the time about hurting someones feelings. My friends online know me well enough to know where I am coming from when I say something. You can see that on the Park,,,If I say something, they don't take it as insults,,they come right back at me and we have fun with it. I don't think Catie can do that and thats sad.

HarveyD said...

It seems I have to do the characters below twice each time , hmmmmmmm?

BabyDollWorld said...

I Think They Can Read....But We Must Go Into Settings To Allow Anyone To Add a Comment. Let Me Know If You Need Help Finding It.

Yeah, I Usually Have to Enter The Characters Twice Too...a Pain But Worth It To Chat!! ahhahaha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

magic..I think it worked.

BabyDollWorld said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!

sketer said...

im hereeeeee

sketer said...

are you in here susan?

BabyDollWorld said...

Yes Skeets I Is Here!!

BabyDollWorld said...

OK, I Have To Get Going it is 11:30 Here...........I am Tired....Sorry We Did Not Get To Chat Skeeeeeets...I Sign In Here Every Morning for a Tiny Bit....Then About 8:00 P.M. EST Or Shortly After & Stay Logged On...........Have a Great Night & Catch You Tomorrow!! Hugs, Susan

Good Night Harvey Sweetie!! Have a Great Night........Sweet Dreams!!

Love & Hugs,

sketer said...

I dont like that Word Verification everytime i post is there a way out of that .

sketer said...

Ok I'll catch you later g/f ..
Nighters to you hello darlin..

HarveyD said...

Hi Magic,

Hi anony and Sketer :-)
So sorry I was not around last evening to chat,,,I was so darn tired.

Sure glad you made it over to join us in the fun. Sketer, That verification word thing is a pain in the tush. I notice you have to do it when you are posting to another persons blog. I need to invite you to my blog yet. Can you read all the past comments on Magic's blog ?

Magic,,,what does collapse comments do ? I see it at the top of the page,,,does it do away with them or just save them up or something ?

I may try that over on my blog to see what happens.

HarveyD said...

I just tried the collapse over on my thread,,,it works pretty neat. Try it,,,you will like it.

HarveyD said...

You can uncollapse them too

BabyDollWorld said...

Sketer No The Word Verification Is a Must....Sorry I Hate That Too...I
Have To Use It Under Harvey's Not Mine.

No Sorry's Needed Harvey....You Need To Take Care Of Yourself &
That is #1 In My Book!!

Harvey, Sketer Posted in Your Blog Last Night!! How Did You Find
It Sketer?? I Figured He Invited You Already??

Will Collapse Mine Too....Thanks For The Tip Harvey!!

Love & Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi susan.Ill see if this works.

Anonymous said...

Lordy b wondering why its so hard to post in here

sketer said...

Crapoolla rofl I AM SO FLUSTERED[[[GRIN]]]

sketer said...

were are you today I havent seen you out and about ..

BabyDollWorld said...

Hi Skeets I am Sorry You Are Having So Much Trouble.... I Sign In Here Every Morning for a Tiny Bit....Then About 8:00 P.M. EST Or Shortly After & Stay Logged On. During The Day I HomeSchool My Son Along With My Daily Chores...So I Am Hardly Ever Online During The Day Time!!

HarveyD said...

Hi Ladies :-)

BabyDollWorld said...

Hi Sweetie How Are You Today?

BabyDollWorld said...

So Where Did Everybody Go??

HarveyD said...

Good Morning,

I went to bed :-)

BabyDollWorld said...

Good Morning Harvey....Sketer....And If Anyone Else Peeks!! Hope You Had a Great Nights Rest!


HarveyD said...

I slept well,,,hope ya'll did the same.

Made a loaf of home made bread already,,,had a bread machine I have been working on,,,got it to work. Not sure if it will keep working but it sure tickled me I got it to going.

I love making homemade bread,,now I will have two bread machines.

Already ate a large piece of hot bread with real butter on it as soon as it came out.

BabyDollWorld said...

That Is Wonderful That You Got The Other Bread Machine To Work!!


BabyDollWorld said...

I Most Likely Will Not Be Online Tonight...My Brother-In-Law Is Taking Our 2 Cuties Over To The BlueBerry Festival!

Have a Wonderful Day/Evening...& Labor Day Weekend...I Shall Return...


HarveyD said...

The festival sounds fun, but I know you would rather be yard saling,,,:-)

sketer said...


HarveyD said...

Don't wait for those roses to come from me though,,,I can't afford them :-)

Anonymous said...

I am posting as Anonymous every time I post I have to rereg,now wonder why it says my password is wrong bull crap...hee hee roses I RATHER HAVE CANDY SO A BIG BOX OF CANDY ILL TAKE hee hee you can buy that at wallmart and get it cheap so I know you can afford that..grim..

HarveyD said...

Walmart is a 50 mile round trip :-)

BabyDollWorld said...

Harvey No Roses?? :( Ok Me Will Settle For Some Of Your Bread!! :)

Sketer I am Sorry That Google Is Not Accepting Your Password....Did You Have A Confirmation Sent To Your Other Email To Confirm That it is You? Anonymnous Works For Me Though!!

My Babies Had a Wonderful Time At The BlueBerry Fest.....All Kinds Of Fun!! :)


Anonymous said...


HarveyD said...

Why sure you are worth the 50 miles drive,,,I would probably have to even deliver them in person :-)

BabyDollWorld said...

Skeets...I Am Sorry That There Are Issues With Your Google Account...I Have No Idea How To Help You Fix That....If I Have a Chance I Will Check Around & See!

sketer said...

I had to reg again to post they have taken annoymous off I cant find it haaaaaaaa ..

hello darlin I'm glad you feel I am worth the 50 mile drive .I'm going to take me a nap catch you all later stay away from wooden nickles..

BabyDollWorld said...

Catch You Later Skeeets!! Stay Away From Wooden Nickels???

HarveyD said...

I think I just missed you Sketer :-(

BabyDollWorld said...

Good Morning!!

Anonymous said...


BabyDollWorld said...

Hi Skeets I am Truly Sorry I Thought I Posted On Here That I Would Be Gone Al Day Yesterday and Only Be Here a Bit..Here & There Today....A Lot Going On Here This Week....Between The Festival Ending Today, Nursery School Starting Tomorrow and Taking My Kitty Pixie Darlin' To The Vet Thursday For Her Shots!! Never Ends......I Shall Try To Catch You SOON!! Hugs, Susan

BabyDollWorld said...

New Baby??? Please Tell!!

HarveyD said...

Hi Ladies,,,finally made it over here to say hello today...

Didn't do anything exciting today...didn't even cook anything special.

Not much I like on TV tonight so I reckon I will watch Murder she wrote about three times on USA.

Have a nice evening ladies


BabyDollWorld said...

Hi Harvey...We Went To The Parade Today....Yesterday We Went Over To The Festival & The Children Played Games and Rode on The Rides....Now Tomorrow My Daughter Goes To Nursery School...Will Not Be Online Much Tonight.....Have To Get To Bed Early...That is Going to Be Difficult I am A Night Owl...Not a Morning Person At All!!! :)...Oh Yeah I Almost Forgot To Tell You Harvey...I Found Some Great Deals For My Daughter's Clothing!! I Also Found Her Shoes At a Great Price!!...Talk About Last Minute!! $5.00 a Piece & Under!!


HarveyD said...

Glad you found the deals for kids....

Missed a couple days,,,so figured I better stop in and say HI !!!!

BabyDollWorld said...

Hi Harvey Do Not Feel Bad I Have Not Been Here Much Myself...The Huge Change In My Routine Has Made It Where I am Dead Tired.


HarveyD said...

Hi Magic,,,,I just plain remaind tired all the time now.

BabyDollWorld said...

Good Morning Harvey!! I Truly Hope Now That You Are Having Cooler Days You Start To Feel Not So Tired. Have a Great One and I Shall Catch You Sooner or Later.......Love and Hugs, Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi g/f miss you and hello darlin so much hugs to you both skeets

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,

SKETER,,so glad to see you posted over here,,,Please stop by one of my threads at the Park or Porch boards sometime. We need to keep in touch.

I don't think Catie will open that private board again,,,I could be wrong but I don't think she intended to. Oh well,,,maybe we will be able to join in on the new one,,,,if not we can always visit here and other places.

Miss you my Darling...

Magic, how is school going for the children ?

Everyone getting cooler weather ? It is supposed to freeze here Sunday night. Just about got all the plants in for the winter.



Anonymous said...

I see using annonymous you don't have to sign in,,,neat,,,otherwise I was going to have to go into the other room and get my notebook :-)

Anonymous said...

hello susan and hello darlin i is back and lookin for you both its chilly here it came a big frost so i thinks we best all keep our coats handy ..she might if she can get the money who knows i do think she will open the new site .im in hopes that she does soon till them here and e-bay ill be seeing you me friends throwin huggs u way ..giggle

Anonymous said...

Hi to my sweet DARLIN, I have missed you ladies. I did get a post on my Ebay thread from Catie. She never mentioned anything about the new site. Looking forward to it. Just wish we could have been able to still read the old one,,,but if not, thats OK too.

I hope you ladies are ready for winter. I am as ready for it as I ever get. We had freezing temps two nights and today its supposed to be back up to 74. That may give me a chance to get out and work on cleaning up deck yet. I still don't have anyone to rake leaves for me this year. Snce I am on 02 I can't do it, one for the dust and another is I get so winded so fast. Trying to exercise and build myself up, but not very far on that yet.. I was proud I was able to get 15 minutes on Gazelle exercise machine yesterday,,,need to get in there and do it again this morning. I do not turn on TV until I start my exercise,,,my own rule :). So,,,If I want to see any of the TODAY show I have to exercise. Kinda when I quit smoking, This morning I said,,,I could turn it on for a few minutes,,,then thought,,,then you will never exercise and keep putting it off all day.

Need to know what you ladies are up waiting for my Magic and Sketer fix :)

Anonymous said...

I just thought,,,if I use annonymous I should probably sign off.

ffuts AKA Harvey

BabyDollWorld said...

I am So Sorry I Have Not Checked This Blog Since We Have Not Chatted Here & Today I Just Peeked In....I Missed All The Chat....Again I am Sorry! When US Was Offline I Ended Up Doing More Offline....Here Lately With The Weather Starting To Get Cold....My Babies & I Are Doing Craft Projects, Reading, Etc. Time Gets Limited With Everything So I am Not Online For Long...Ok Now That I Have Bored You All hahahaha I Shall Get Going...Hugs To Everyone...Susan

Anonymous said...

Susan..can you see me waving